If you’re a believer in the Lori Simmons Bigfoot Tree and don’t feel like going out on a limb, you’re gonna love this podcast and video.
The Set Up

For the second time, we were invited by Michael Wallace, brother of actress, author and Bigfoot Tree Prognosticator Lori Simmons.
For the second time as well, Encounters USA was played for a sucker as Michael Wallace pulled his old Viagra act as he stiffed us for the second time.

Fool Me Once
As they say fool me once shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Of course it’s a lot easier as you will see, to write it than to say it as you will see on the video and hear on the podcast.
Either way you look at it, I had traveled a long way into the foothills of the Cascade Mountains. I was not the only victim in another Bigfoot Tree charade.
Brent Dill had also traveled about half the distance I had, only to find out Michael Wallace had made like a car in reverse and backed out.
The Show Must Go On
Once I realized Michael wasn’t going to show. I made a decision to visit the Bigfoot Tree with or without Michael.
Since I didn’t have Michael to advocate for the Bigfoot Tree and Brent Dill to tell him he was full of crap, I was not going to go up to the tree to do a second run over the same material with Brent.
I made the decision to tell Brent I was going back to Seattle. I was going to the Bigfoot Tree alone.
The Search

As you will see in the video and hear in the podcast, I had two problems starting out. One was the amount of time I had wasted waiting for Michael and Brent.
The second problem was I wasn’t sure if I remembered how to get to the Bigfoot Tree. I was going to have to rely on my memory and my wits.
Lost in Space
About an hour later I realized I had a faulty memory when it came to the Bigfoot Tree. It had been a few years. Now it was a few miles of driving around before I realized it was hopeless.
I was going to have to call in outside help.
Syvella Kalil Saves The Day
I had one ace in the hole I was going to have to play. I had asked Syvella Kalil to join Michael Brent and I in our trip to the tree. Unfortunately, for Syvella she was working at the food bank
Fortunately for me, I found the food bank and Syvella on the way through town.
Selective Directions
Syvella Kalil gave me outstanding directions. Unfortunately I didn’t hear the first instruction. The result of my selective hearing was another wasted twenty miles of driving and at least a half hour more wasted.
Encounters USA Arrives

Regardless of all the setbacks, Encounters USA arrived in great style with the help of God, Syvella’s directions and my faithful Paranormal Pickup.
Once we got close to the tree it was time to switch mode of transport from truck to boots. I parked, packed and plodded my way down the trail to the Bigfoot Tree.
The Lori Simmons Bigfoot Tree Going Out On A Limb Podcast & YouTube

I hope you enjoy the video and the podcast.
You can listen to the podcast here
The YouTube video is available here.
Thank you for subscribing.

Matthew Heines is an author and veteran of the US 82nd Airborne Division with over twenty years of experience teaching in the USA, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the Sultanate of Oman. Matthew Heines has six books currently in publication titled, My Year in Oman, Another Year in Oman, Killing Time in Saudi Arabia, Deceptions of the Ages, The Rainier Paradigm and Heinessights: Wisdom for the Ages. Currently living near Seattle, in Washington State, Matthew Heines is active in politics and has run, and is currently running for the US House of Representatives.